Exhibition's view
Vincent Gavinet, 2010
37 parpaings and wood
Exhibition's view
John Cornu
John Cornu, 2010
Red wine
John Cornu, 2010
Fragments pour une architecture nouvelle
Mixed techniques
John Cornu, 2010
Fragments pour une architecture nouvelle
John Cornu, 2010
Untitled (verticales)
Woodworks and acrylic
Exhibition's view
Exhibition's view
Stephane Dafflon, 2008
Acrylic on canvas
Stephane Dafflon, 2008
Acrylic on canvas
Stephane Dafflon, 2008
Acrylic on canvas
Carole Rivalin, 2010
Zig Zag
2 curved walls painted in white
150 x 400 x 27 cm
150 x 350 x 27 cm
Carole Rivalin, 2010
Zig Zag
2 curved walls painted in white
Carole Rivalin, 2010
Zig Zag
2 curved walls painted in white
Stef Heidhues, 2007
Untitled (composition 2)
Indian ink on paper
Stef Heidhues, 2008
Untitled (composition 4)
Indian ink on paper
21 x 29,7 cm
Stef Heidhues, 2007
Untitled (composition 2), detail
Indian ink on paper
21 x 29,7 cm
Stef Heidhues, 2008
Untitled (composition 4)
Indian ink on paper
21 x 29,7 cm
Romain Boulay, 2010
Sans titre P32
178 x 120 cm
Romain Boulays, 2010
Sans titre L12
190 x 50 x 50 cm